Induced After Death Communication (IADC) Protocol


IADC is an EMDR protocol discovered in 1995 by Dr. Allan Botkin, Psy.D, who spent his professional career treating individuals with PTSD in the VA system. Dr. Botkin was a staunch researcher and scrupulous data keeper who developed this protocol as a way of helping people move through the deep sadness and grief often associated with death and dying.

IADC uses EMDR interventions to provide people with an opportunity to heal from the grief and loss of losing a loved one and also provides them with an opportunity to experience what is commonly referred to as an After Death Communication (ADC) with their loved one who has passed over.

IADC has been well-researched over the last 25 years and is practiced world-wide.

A majority of people who go through the EMDR IADC process report an ADC with their loved one.

Within a hospital or in-patient setting, 98% of people experience an ADC; in an out-patient therapy setting, the number is still high, at 70-75%.

You do not need to be spiritual or religious to benefit from the IADC process.

IADCs are very similar in content across people and geographical regions and tend to have the same emotional and healing impacts no matter what a person’s background is. Each individual experience varies, however people who have gone through the IADC process all report a significant decrease in sadness, guilt, regret, responsibility, anger, and loss.

People who have experienced Near Death Experiences (NDEs) are even more likely to have an ADC during this process.

To read testimonial’s from Dr. Botkin’s page you can click here.

I have been trained by Cesar Valdez, LMSW, and you can find more information about him and this technique at his webpage.